Opuntias grow with water, right temperatures, right soil and sufficent attention.
They show a remarkable abilty to come back from cold, scorching heat or neglect. But if you treat them well, they will surprise you with growth, flowers and some more growth.

Opuntias grow with water, right temperatures, right soil and sufficent attention.
They show a remarkable abilty to come back from cold, scorching heat or neglect. But if you treat them well, they will surprise you with growth, flowers and some more growth.

Opuntia polyacantha carmin (317)

This form has a dark pink-carmin flower. Spines get longer as they age.

Opuntia polyacantha Cheyenne Wyoming E8-21(303)

This form has nice pink flowers and a nice spination.

Opuntia polyacantha "Colorado Red" (288)

This form has nice pinkish flowers and a nice spination that's gets longer and denser with age.

Opuntia polyacantha "Desert Rose" (251)

A very pale yellow flowering form, bearing a resemblance with Crystal Tide. Has some longer spines on medium sized pads.

Opuntia polyacantha "Flex" (221)

A spiny plant with a multi-layered orange-pink flower.

Opuntia polyacantha pink flower E4-14 (206)

A spiny plant with a dark pink flower.

Opuntia polyacantha bright yellow flower E4-2(205)

A plant with a bright yellow flower. Spines on the upper part of the pad.

Opuntia polyacantha pink flower E8-12(169)

A plant with a bright pink flower. Long white spines. Might be a different form.

Opuntia polyacantha "Munchen" E8-18

A plant with a nice pink flower. Spiny plant!

Opuntia polyacantha "Munchen"

A plant with a nice rose pink flower, colour different than the previous one. Again a spiny plant!

Opuntia polyacantha "Linz" (74)

A plant with a nice dark flower.

Opuntia polyacantha Reedpoint Montana (68)

Spiny plant with yellow flowers. Comes from Montana and very resistant to cold.

Opuntia polyacantha South Dakota (59)

Plant with dark pink flowers. Medium spination.

Opuntia polyacantha (47)

Plant with dense, light to red spination and light yellow coloured flowers. Might be the same as ""Cactusmania".

Opuntia polyacantha (18)

Plant with open, rather short spination and yellow-peach coloured flowers.

Opuntia polyacantha (15)

Plant without spination and nice pink coloured flowers.

Opuntia polyacantha (11a)

Plant with a decent spination and light yellow flower. Origin is Little Big Horn in Montana, where the infamous General Custer met his end against an overwhelming majority of Native American warriors.

Opuntia polyacantha Orange Glory Jr(5)

Plant with nice spination and orange coloured flower with hints of pink.

Opuntia polyacantha "Butter Rose"(253)

Plant with nice long spination on the upper half of the pad and butter coloured flowers. Flowers are almost double.

Opuntia polyacantha pink flower(311)

Medium sized plant with spination on the whole pad and nice pink flowers.

Opuntia polyacantha Twister

Spiny! plant with with dark pink flowers.

Opuntia polyacantha E7-6(139)

Big plant spiny pads and dark pink flowers.

Opuntia polyacantha Rote Blüte(434)

Spiny plant with dark red-pink flowers.

Opuntia polyacantha inermis

Virtually spineless plant with yellow flowers.

Opuntia polyacantha

Nice spined plant with medium sized pink flowers.

Opuntia polyacantha Pueblo Co Colorado

Nice spined plant with dark pink flowers.

Opuntia polyacantha "Wibke"

White spined plant with rosy-red flowers.

Opuntia polyacantha "Snowball"

Less spined plant with white flowers.

Opuntia polyacantha "Twilight"

Light pink flowers on a medium spined plant.

Opuntia polyacantha Idaho(455)

Rosy red flowers on rather large, spiny pads.

Pads can be big or small, with many spines, few or none.
All are very frost hardy, but a lot show problems when grown outside in North Western Europe.