Opuntias grow with water, right temperatures, right soil and sufficent attention.
They show a remarkable abilty to come back from cold, scorching heat or neglect. But if you treat them well, they will surprise you with growth, flowers and some more growth.

Opuntias grow with water, right temperatures, right soil and sufficent attention.
They show a remarkable abilty to come back from cold, scorching heat or neglect. But if you treat them well, they will surprise you with growth, flowers and some more growth.

Opuntia pottsii

This form has a dark rose flower.

Opuntia pottsii (199)

This form has a pink flower.

Opuntia pottsii, Safford Arizona (597)

This form has a pink-cream flower.

Opuntia pottsii, Prescott Arizona

This form has a reddish-cream flower. This might be a hybrid. From what I understood, pure pottsii has a red flower.

Opuntia pottsii DJF 1447, Alberquerque, New Mexico

This form has a pale orange flower. Flowers easily, nice spines and lots of flowers.

Opuntia pottsii dark pink flower E2-13 (215)

This form has dark pink flowers and bluish pads with spines on th upper part of the pads.

Opuntia pottsii (585)

This form has pink-cream flowers with orange-red midstripes. Pads a bit bigger than other pottsii's.

Pads have few spines and glochids.